Ensure you get the Total Picture: Conducting Reference Checks

So the preliminary interviews are complete and you have narrowed down your job seekers to just a few choices. This next step in the recruitment process is often purposely left out by managers or interviewers because they are uncomfortable with the process. This can be a big mistake.

A Reference Check will help answer your questions and provide you with information about the applicant’s character and work ethic. It is vitally important to verify the information the potential candidate has provided to you. It is the only way that you can be sure that you are making the right decision.

I am often asked how to do a reference check. Below are some suggestions on how to complete this process properly.

● During the interview, you should ask for three professional references (this would be previous managers or supervisors). I suggest asking for three so that you do not have to go back and ask for more. It is also important to confirm with the applicant that the references have given permission to include their names on the list.
● My general rule of thumb is that if you get two outstanding references from two different companies, the reference check is complete. However, if those two references give conflicting information, the third reference will help determine which one is more accurate.
● Always make sure that your reference checks are short and to the point. Do not take up too much of the reference's time.
● The same rules that apply to the type of questions you can ask in a job interview apply here. You cannot ask any questions that will infringe on the rights of the job seeker. Be careful and have your questions printed out. It is also important to document the answers to protect yourself from any possible future claims.

Once the reference checks are completed, you may still have additional questions. If this is the case, many of my clients will bring the job seekers in for a second interview to help answer any outstanding questions.

A properly conducted reference check is key to determining whether the strengths and weaknesses of a particular applicant will lend themselves well to your organization. Before making any offer of employment, you should have this information. If not, you greatly increase the chance that you are setting yourself and the job seeker up for future failure.

Do you conduct reference checks when hiring?