Look beneath the surface to find the right Job Fit

Job Benchmarking

How many times have you hired an employee thinking "WOW, what a great find" only to realize that the individual didn't quite fit the job? Take your "gut" out of the decision making process and rely on the data that shows you how that person will fit with the job.  Using TTI Success Insights TriMetrix DNA assessments we will complete a job report that takes the position and the key responsibilities and compares them to each individual you are considering for the position.  See for yourself how each person will fit into the job and make your decision understanding what training may be required to help that person succeed.

The job benchmarking process can be utilized for recruiting and for succession planning. We can determine the job requirements and then identify the individuals in your organization who might be able to take on the next role or use the benchmark to find someone outside of the organization.

Use of the job benchmarking tool can improve your hiring accuracy by up to 92%!

What We Measure

* Communication & Interaction Style
* Motivation, Values and Interest in the Work
* Personal Skills & Competency

Get the operating manual for your next employee so that you know exactly how to communicate, motivate and train them.

Five Key Areas
for Job Fit

* Background, Experience, Knowledge & Future Goals
* Communication & Interaction Style
* Motivation, Values and Interest in the Work
* Personal Skills & Competency
* Culture & Team

Identify Skill Gaps

Next, take a look at the gaps that may exist between required knowledge, skills, and abilities, and employee competencies. Which of the critical skills you identified do employees have? Which are they lacking? This analysis can be done on both an individual employee basis and as a comparison between all candidates.

Learn More About the Process

We start by identifying the job and the Subject Matter Experts within your business. Ask yourself these questions. Why does the job exist? How do you measure success in the job? What is the history of the job and how does it fit with the company strategy? Ideally, you have an up-to-date job description that will answer most of these questions. The Subject Matter Experts would be individuals in the organization that have direct interaction with the job. That could be a manager/supervisor, co-worker who works laterally with the position, the owner or other stakeholders.

Identifying key accountabilities. In this step, we will define, prioritize and weigh the key accountabilities through discussion. These key accountabilities will be ranked by importance and time requirements.

Complete the assessment. As a group, we will complete the job assessment with the key accountabilities top of mind. This will create our job benchmark and generate some important questions to ask during the initial interviews to filter out candidates that are clearly not a match for the position.

Once the ideal candidates have been identified, they will be asked to complete the talent assessment. When all candidates are finished, we create a gap report to compare the individuals to the job

Now we have the data required to help you make the final hiring decision. It is important to remember that this is a tool to be used to assist in the decision-making process. By using this tool with the other important recruitment steps, you have a better chance of a successful hire. As a bonus, this report is also a great tool for onboarding and succession planning.


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